Colombia Upcoming public holidays

Public holidays in Colombia are days on which workers are entitled to paid rest in commemoration of historical or religious events. Most are held on the same date every year, but some are moved to ensure that they are always celebrated on Mondays. In total, the Colombian calendar has 18 public holidays a year, 12 of which are of religious origin and 6 of civic origin.

Public Holidays in Colombia 2025

This year, 17 public holidays fall on weekdays (Monday to Friday), with 11 of them observed on a Monday. The public holiday on the Colombian Declaration of Independence, which falls on a Sunday, completes the 18 public holidays of the year.

Date Day Public Holiday
1 of January Wednesday New Year's day
6 of January Monday Epiphany
24 of March Monday Saint Joseph's Day
17 of April Thursday Holy Thursday
18 of April Friday Good Friday
1 of May Thursday Labor Day
2 of June Monday Ascension Day
23 of June Monday Feast of Corpus Christi
30 of June Monday Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
30 of June Monday Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
20 of July Sunday Independence Day
7 of August Thursday Battle of Boyacá
18 of August Monday Assumption of Mary
13 of October Monday Columbus Day
3 of November Monday All Saints' Day
17 of November Monday Independence of Cartagena
8 of December Monday Immaculate Conception
25 of December Thursday Christmas

Public Holidays in Colombia 2026

In 2026, 18 public holidays will fall on weekdays (Monday to Friday), with 11 of them observed on a Monday.

Date Day Public Holiday
1 of January Thursday New Year's day
12 of January Monday Epiphany
23 of March Monday Saint Joseph's Day
2 of April Thursday Holy Thursday
3 of April Friday Good Friday
1 of May Friday Labor Day
18 of May Monday Ascension Day
8 of June Monday Feast of Corpus Christi
15 of June Monday Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
29 of June Monday Feast of Saints Peter and Paul
20 of July Monday Independence Day
7 of August Friday Battle of Boyacá
17 of August Monday Assumption of Mary
12 of October Monday Columbus Day
2 of November Monday All Saints' Day
16 of November Monday Independence of Cartagena
8 of December Tuesday Immaculate Conception
25 of December Friday Christmas

Frequently Asked Questions

What are business days?

Business days are those on which work is generally carried out and the right to paid rest is not granted by law. In other words, they are all days that are not public holidays or Sundays. According to this, Saturdays are, in principle, considered business days. However, employers can establish them as non-business days for practical purposes.

What are calendar days?

Calendar days refer to the total number of days that elapse from a specific date to another date, including weekends and holidays. Calendar days are all 365 days of the year (366 in a leap year).

How are public holidays determined?

Public holidays in Colombia are defined by law and apply throughout the national territory. The 18 current public holidays are listed in Law 51 of 1983, and their impact on Colombian workers is defined in the Labor Code.

Why do public holidays change their date?

Some public holidays do not have a fixed date each year but are calculated to always fall on a Monday. Hence, when the reference date is not a Monday, the celebration is moved to the following Monday on the calendar.

Are Saturdays and Sundays considered public holidays?

In general, fixed-date holidays do not fall on weekends, but it is possible that they may coincide with a Saturday or Sunday. However, Sundays and holidays share the characteristic of being paid rest days. Employers may also determine that Saturdays are paid rest days.